Sun, Feb

The members live the spirituality of the Pauline Family solidly grounded on the Eucharist and the Word of God and cultivate a particular devotion to the person of Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life, to Mary Queen of Apostles and to Saint Paul the Apostle.

They dedicate themselves in the work of evangelization as secular clergy (for Jesus Priest) or as lay persons. The lay members, living their consecration incognito in the world, act like "salt", "light" and "leaven" in their home, parish, place of work and other places they find themselves in. They also participate, according to their possibilities, in the other apostolic activities of the other Institutions of the Pauline Family.

They are encouraged to be part of the evangelizing activities of the Society of St. Paul and to be leaven in the culture of communication of today.



Agenda Paolina

February 09, 2025

V del Tempo Ordinario (verde)
Is 6,1-2a.3-8; Sal 137; 1Cor 15,1-11; Lc 5,1-11

February 09, 2025

* Nessun evento particolare

February 09, 2025

SSP: D. Alfredo Manera (1941) - Fr. Domingos Lazzari (2001) - Fr. Francisco Javier Martínez de Antoñana (2011) - Fr. Calogero Stanislao Fabio (2012) • FSP: Sr. Franca Carminati (2013) - Sr. Giovanna Maria Iuppariello (2020) • PD: Sr. M. Augustina Cerri (2015) - Sr. M. Olivia Piva (2017) • ISGA: Lelio Toschi (2001) - Domiziano Piazza (2020) • ISF: Angela Urbani (1986) - Helen Vincent (2010) - Benedetta Occhiogrosso Piccininni (2022).


February 09, 2025

Se una persona è virtuosa non si conosce dalle virtù sociali, ma dal suo cuore, da come si diporta in famiglia, è lì che la persona mostra di essere laboriosa, umile, caritatevole, premurosa, delicata, ecc.: sono queste le virtù familiari per cui si conoscono le persone (FSP31*, 250).

February 09, 2025

Si una persona es virtuosa no se conoce por las virtudes sociales, sino por su corazón, por cómo se comporta en la familia, es allí donde la persona demuestra que es trabajadora, humilde, caritativa, solícita, delicada, etc.: estas son las virtudes familiares por las que se conocen las personas (FSP31*, 250).

February 09, 2025

If a person is virtuous it is not known from social virtues, but from his heart, from how he behaves in the family, it is there that the person shows that he is hardworking, humble, charitable, thoughtful, delicate, etc.: these are the family virtues by which people are known (FSP31*, 250).