Tue, Feb

The XXVI annual triduum of the Holy Family Institute has taken place at the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in North Jackson OH, and at St.Paul Monastery, from 13 to 15 September.

Fr. Matthew Roehrig, director of the Pauline Institutes for the USA, supervised the annual retreat and this year's theme was “Fan into Flame the Gift of God that is in you. (2 Tim 1:6)”

There were approximately 30 participants in person and almost 25 online participants via Zoom, including a couple who followed the retreat from Malaysia.

The formula of the three days, based on the Pauline principle of Way, Truth, and Life, was completely new this year, with the active involvement of many couples who developed and proposed themes of reflection to the entire assembly, transmitting to it their enthusiasm for the mission. In the faith, the Founder conceived the Pauline Family as a place where anyone can feel at home, and where the specific contribution of the HFI is the work of restoration.

In the discussion, it was emphasized to what extent the members of the HFI share their charisma; this is a concept also reiterated by the founder in the text Ut perfectus sit homo Dei of 1960.

This year, a special place within the Triduum was given to the Eucharistic Miracles Display, a traveling museum-like exhibition featuring the Eucharistic Miracles as chronicled by Blessed Carlo Acutis (1991-2006). The exhibit was organized inside St. Paul Monastery, managed, and presented by Theresa and Miros Maszczak of HFI, who also renewed their vows on Saturday. This exhibit has special significance in light of the recent 10th National Eucharistic Congress, a profound moment for the whole Church in the United States, where 60,000 Catholics recently gathered in Indianapolis for this generational event.

The last day was used to disembowel all the "behind the scenes" of the Institute, to know it better, and to develop all the potentials at the level of ongoing formation, meetings of the local chapters, social media, and much more.

This year too we must thank the Lord for the great time of grace shared between the Institute members and the Canfield community brothers.

Agenda Paolina

February 11, 2025

Feria (verde)
B.V. Maria di Lourdes
Gen 1,20–2,4a; Sal 8; Mc 7,1-13

February 11, 2025

* FSP: 1985 a Nagpur (India).

February 11, 2025

SSP: D. Gino Caffarri (1968) - D. Thomas Cheruvil (1990) - Fr. Paolo Putti (2020) - Fr. Albino Bissa (2022) - Fr. Renzo Putti (2023) • FSP: Sr. M. Lucia Melchiori (1944) - Sr. Giovanna Maria Ricca (1976) - Sr. M. Lucis Scurti (2006) - Sr. Teresina Tacconelli (2012) - Sr. Pierina Frepoli (2013) - Sr. Italia Saitta (2021) - Sr. Maria Luisa Yamamoto (2024) • PD: Sr. M. Filomena Crea (1984) - Sr. M. Josangela Bassignana (2012) - Sr. M. Fidelis Asano (2024) • IMSA: Anna Maria Mazzoni (2003) • ISF: Giuseppina Pigiona (2002) - Douglas Wernet (2019).